The quality of
schooling depends to a great extent, on Management of teaching-learning
resources. They are an integral part of learning and teaching in a supportive
school environment and it is vital for all schools to develop an inclusive
approach to selecting and using these resources. The Head of the school has the
responsibility of ensuring the effective delivery of curriculum using all
available resources-human, material and financial, optimally. With a view to
making such resources available at the right time. identification and selection
of appropriate resources have great significance.
A resource is any
physical or virtual entity of limited availability that need to be consumed to
obtain a benefit from it. Resources have three characteristics— utility,
quantity (often in terms of availability) and consumption.
Resources may be split
into tangible and intangible resources. Tangible resources are those resources
like equipment, vehicles. Which have actual physical existence, whereas intangible
resources are things like corporate image, brands and patent that are Present
but cannot te grasped or contained.
Resource may be
material (Abiotic) or non-material i.e. Human (Biotic generally material resources are Comprise of non-living things while. human
beings are also considered as resources, The t™ ‘Human Resources’, can also be
defined as the skills, energies talents
abilities and knowledge that are used for production of goods or rendering of
School system has a
variety of resources. It includes:
(i) Physical Resources:
[includes school buildings. infrastructure, equipment, furniture, space,
playground and toilet facilities. The Head of the school has a role in
buildings. Their maintenance, playfields, electricity, water supply and
toilets, etc.
(II) Teaching-Learning
Resources: Besides these resources. the teaching—Learning resources may be
classified under the following three headings:
1. Human Resources: In
school system human resources include the teachers, the supporting staff and
pupils, with appropriate time available for instructional purposes. Infect,
teacher is the principal human resource of the school.
Human resources
constitute a very important dimension of the schooling enterprise. It is the
human resources which lies behind the success or failure of management in accomplishing
the pre-determined goals. The school Head, has to be skilled in exploring
possibilities of identifying and obtaining additional human resources to cater
to the requirements of the school. For this, he may approach school authorities
and the community being served.
2. Material Resources:
These resources are necessary for organizing teaching-learning. It may include
textbooks, workbooks, teacher guides, audio-video materials, teaching aids,
computers, science kits, library and laboratories etc. These may be called
‘learning resources.’
The availability of
these resources and proper use may be helpful in enhancing the quality of
instruction. It is Head’s job to ensure availability of such material resources
and encourage teachers to them adequately.
3. Financial
Resources: The financial resources are the -grants and allocations to the school.
Finance plays a key role in providing resources and maintaining them. School
fees and various grants from the Government and the management share are the
main sources The Heads dynamism and public relations may prove useful in this
Definitions of Learning Resources
learning resource or
object. as defined by the Institute of — Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) - “any catty, digital or non-digital that may be used for learning,
education or training.”
Learning resources are
defined as information, represented and stored in a variety of media and
formats, that assists students learning, This includes material in print, video
and software formats, as well a combination of these formats, intended for use
by teachers and students.
Hence, learning
resources refer to any person(s) Or any material (whether acquired or locally
produced) with instructional content or function that is used for formal or
informal teaching/learning purposes. Learning resources include textbooks,
supplementary reading and informational materials, community resources people,
agencies and organizations, dioramas, machine CD-ROMS, readable data files, filmstrips,
microfilms, charts, maps, models, flash cards, games, globes, kits, journals, motion pictures, periodicals,
pictures, realia, slides, sound recordings, transparencies and video-records,
According to Alan
Januszewski, the concept of learning resources includes four categories/classes-materials,
tools and equipment’s, people and settings. In his view, the term ‘audiovisual’
had become synonymous with equipment and materials. In fact, it is changed
name; from audio-visual of 1963 to ‘Learning resources’ of 1972. Some writers
has (1977) substituted the phrase ‘learning resources’ for media. But, learning
resources is a broader category than media and is more inclusive.
Learning resources may
be defined as textbooks, library acquisition and ancillary material for
classroom use, and any other resources used for formal or informal teaching and
learning purposes. Learning resources may be print or non-print. and may be
acquired through purchase, as gifts a loan.
Wisdon & Gibbs
(19947 has given the following types of learning resources:
1. Resources that
teach course content: This type includes:
(i) Open learning
(ii) Lecture notes.
(iii) Readers.
(iv) Reading sets.
(v) Resource packs.
2. Resources that
build on other resources: This includes the following resources:
(1) Textbook study
(1) Reading guides.
(iii) Course guides.
3. Resources that
support specific learning activities: These are:
(i) Manuals.
(ii) Laboratory
(iii) Seminar guides.
(iv) Fieldwork guides.
(v) Project guides.
(vi) Work placement
guides. .
(vii) Staff use of
student guides.
4. Resources that
support learning process: a
(i) Skill guides.
(ii) Skill profiles.
(iii) Logs.
These learning
resources are content based, and can be developed in print or as computer
assisted learning resources.
These types can be
explained in the following manners:
I. Resources that
teach course content:
(i) Open learning
material: It to available in open and can be . obtained from textbooks,
journals, newspapers or from any other source available in school or outside.
(ii) Lecture notes:
Lecture notes vary from an online to listed headings, to summaries of main points
and full text. Notes can be prepared when the need arises and can be handed to
students before and after the lecture.
(iii) Readers: This is
the collection of notes for which copyright has been cleared. Suitable articles
from journals, newspaper articles and extracts from chapters of books are
compiled in a pack. The pack provides core reading for the course or programme.
(iv) Reading Sets: A
pack of readings can be collected for a specific topic or subject. Like
readers, it consists of various articles, extracts and notes. It can be
duplicated at relatively low cost. One copy of it can be placed in library,
where it is easily accessible to learners.
2. Resources that build on other resources:
(i) Textbook Study
Guides: Incan be a much more elective open to design a study pride around a
suitable book, than to deviate material fromresearch, Study guides are well
structured and have
features, such as
brief aver view. questions that be answered by reading specific section of the
book, comments, additional information to help with difficult parts or to Fill
in some LAPS and self assessment questions or assignments,
ii) Reading Guides:
Reading guides help students lo find reading resources or suitable alternatives.
The guide book like expanded reading lists. They contain useful comments and
advice on which parts of the readings to focus on, and which part to skip.
(iii) Course Guides:
These are also known as study guides. They provide a comprehensive framework
that guide students through the course. It contains:
(a) Aims and statement
of learning outcomes.
(b) A summary of
course content.
(c) An indication of
how the course links to other courses and programmes.
(d) A description of
how the course to structured and sequenced.
(c) A list of brief
description of all teaching sessions including lectures, seminars, workshops,
laboratory time.
(f) A list of
available resources including print, audio, video and CAL software.
(g) Information about
3. Resources that Support Specific Learning Activities:
(i) Manuals: Manuals
explain how to do things. They are excellent resources for supporting processes,
such as how to manage projects, how to learn word processing skills, and
learning how to do field work. The advantage of manual is that students can
refer to them when they need to.
(ii) Laboratory Guides: These contain all kind
of useful information about the apparatus and equipment, how to use it, advice on
carrying out experiments and writing laboratory reports. They also contain data
recording tables and graphs, that students can use to record their observations
and findings.
(iii)Seminar Guides:
These guides include any information and guidance that help students to prepare
for seminars. They may include a reading list, suitable reading material and
(iv) Field Work
Guides: A field work guide can be compiled with supporting information and
questions that encourage students to use the time in the field optimally by behaving
like an active explorer. Photograph and diagrams can be included to draw
attention to specific areas being investigated.
(v) Project Guides:
These guides are very useful in project work. A project guide gives advice and
support on how to carry out projects. It contains a schedule of deadliness for
cash phase of the project. It also contain practical information collected from
the previous experiences of the students.
(vi) Work Placement
Guides: These guides are practically helpful for students who are in work
placement. A work placement guide can contain information about the
responsibilities of students, host organization and tutor.
Guidelines for keeping
a work diary and preparing a final report, as well as questions to help the
student to prepare structured meetings with tutors can also be included.
(vii) Staff Use of
Student Guides: These guides are for the help of teachers. Any guides prepared
for students can also be used by staff, who are involved in the programme.
4. Resources that
Support Learning Process:
(i) Skill Guides:
These guides can be simple single page worksheets, that offer guidance on how
to write reports, use the computer, laboratory, work in groups and compile a
portfolio. They are developed in response to particular needs.
(ii) Skill Profiles:
In these, clear descriptions of the skills and rating scales that indicates the
level of attainment are included. Skills profiles can be used to help students
assess their own performance. They have to be linked to assessment in the
programme for maximum benefit.
(ii) Logs: Logs are
diaries that contain various bit of information deemed important for students,
who want to work independently during
practical work
sessions and work placements. The log may include relevant articles, review
questions and a skill profile.
Leaning resources are
an important component in designing a course of flexible learning.
Well-considered selection and use of resources contributes importantly to
achieving educational aims and objectives or purposes, ; .
Leaning resources are
the many things that contain course content and that help learners to acquire
skills and knowledge. They may include, but are not limited to print and non-print
materials, audio-visual, electronic and digital hardware/software and human
The primary objective
of learning resources is to support, enrich and help to implement the
educational programme of the school through the interaction of professional personnel
and other members of the school community. It is the duty of professional staff
to provide students with a wide range of materials at varying levels of
different point of view.
The other objectives
are given here:
1. Enrichment of
Curriculum: They enrich and support the curriculum, by taking into
consideration the diversity of interests and perspectives, and the variety of
abilities, learning styles and maturity levels of the learned served.
2. Student’s Growth
and Development: The resource-based learning approach fosters the development
of individual students by accommodating their varied interests, experiences,
needs and ability levels.
3. To stimulate growth
in factual knowledge, literacy appreciation, aesthetic values and knowledge of
societal standards.
4. To implement,
support and enrich the educational programme of the school.
5. To support recreational
learning endeavours.
6. To provide and make
accessible a balanced collection of materials on various issues with different
points of view.
7. To provide and make
accessible materials which are free of gender-bias and are representative of
the many religions, ethnic. cultural and political groups within our society.
8. To place principle
above personal Opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of
Hence. the
result-based learning approach supports, enriches and helps to implement the
educational progress of the school, through the interaction of professional
personnel, students and parents/guardians, in the school community.
Teacher/department, who are selecting learning resources, must consider
content, format, methodology, evaluation, assessment and treatment of social
issues. Equally important considerations are the wide range of audiences (¢.g.—
age, first language, special needs), as well as the purpose, characteristics
and use of the various media selection. Every effort must be made ensure that
resources are selected for their strengths, rather than rejected for their
Selection means
choosing from available resources, those materials considered to be the best,
most appropriate and most suitable for the particular learning activity and
rejecting what is inferior, inappropriate, unsuitable or unacceptable.
Following principles should be considered while selecting and utilization of
learning resources for teaching:
8.6.1 General Principles
1. Consistent with general
educational goal: Learning resources should support and be consistent with the
general educational goal of the state/nation.
2 Consistent with individual
schools needs: Learning resources should be selected keeping in mind the aims
and objectives of individual schools and specific courses, apart from state’s
goals. They should directly related to a school’s curriculum policy and
3. Support the
curriculum: Learning resources should be chosen to enrich and support the curriculum
and the personal needs of users, In other words. learning resources should
support an inclusive curriculum, thus, helping pupils to gain an awareness of
our pruritic society and the importance of respectful relations with others.
4. Relevant to the culture:
Learning resources should encourage understanding of the many important
contributions made to our common Indian heritage. by men, women, people from
diverse cultural and linguistic groups, people with disabilities and minority
5.Relevant to the
students: The selected learning resources): should be relevant to the age of
the students for whom they are selected, and for their emotional, intellectual,
social and cultural development,
6. Motivation: The
selected learning resources must motivate pupils and educators to examine their
own attitudes and behaviour and to comprehend their duties, responsibilities,
rights and privileges as citizens in our society. .
7. Physical
Appearance: Physical format and appearance of learning resources should be suitable
for their intended use.
8. Aesthetic value:
The selected learning resources should have aesthetic, literary, social, and
above all, educational value.
9. Quality: Learning
resources should meet high standards of quality in:
(i) Presentation
(ii) Physical format
(iii) Educational
significance .
(iv) Readability
(v) Authenticity
(vi) Artistic quality
(vii) Factual content.
10. Production: Learning
resources choosen should be developed by competent authors and producers.
Il. Accessibility: The
chosen learning resources must be easily accessible to the students. Teacher’s
choice of delivery system should depend on how much access the students have to
the campus, a computer and a internet. Also, there is a need to build student’s
skill and confidence in using these technologies. School budget should also match
the selection made.
12. Morality: The
selected learning resources must be morality-oriented. By their use, the
students should not be exposed to offensive materials which describe, depict,
express or otherwise deal with matters of nudity, sex, drug, misuse or
addiction, crime, cruelty, violence etc.
13. Critical Thinking:
The selected learning resources should provide opportunity for students to
find, use, evaluate and present information and to develop the critical thinking
and capacities to make discerning choices so that they are prepared for
exercising their freedom of access with discrimination as informed and skilled
14. Multiple Views:
Learning resources should represent range of views on all Issues, They should
provide information o" opposing sides of controversial issues, so that
users may develop under guidance the practice of critical analysis. Their
selection on controversial ISSUCS should be directed towards maintaining a
balanced collection, representing various views.
15. Learning resources
should be selected for their strengths rather than rejected for their
8.6.2. Principles of Selecting Human Learning
Teachers are the main
and important human learning resources of school system. Pupils constitute
another human resource, which needs to be properly nurtured through a well
designed school programme. Following principles should govern the tasks of
assigning the work and responsibilities to existing teachers, selection of new teachers
and ancillary staff:
1. Competency: Besides
academic qualifications, teachers are known for their competence in academic,
co-curricular activities and discipline. Some are brilliant in such special
fields. The Head of the school is supposed to make judgment and assign tasks
2. Professional
Skills: Professional skills are very important for good performance. These are
acquired throughout life. It is a life long process. It is, therefore necessary
to provide opportunities for teacher development through in-service training.
Teachers having special professional skills should be selected for special tasks.
Data related to such skills should be recorded by the school head, and be given
due importance in assignment of tasks and mobility of jobs.
3. Commitment:
Teaching is a profession of commitment. Teachers’? commitment towards pupils,
their subjects, basic values, community and excellence be assessed judiciously.
Based upon the findings, teachers should be selected to perform special tasks
in the school.
Similar principles may
be followed for the selection of administrative staff as well.
8.6.3 Principles of Selecting Material Learning
These resources are
considered to be responsible for enhancing the quality of classroom
interactions. The selection of teaching and leaning materials is an integral
part of curriculum planning and delivery in schools. Students come into contact
with a vast array of print, visual and multimedia material in their daily lives.
Educators have a duty of care to ensure that the teaching and learning
materials. with which Students are presented or towards which they are
directed, Are Appropriate to their developmental growth and relevant to the achievement
of appropriate learning outcomes.
For the proper and
appropriate selection of the material learning resources, following principles
should be followed:
1. Relevance: The
selected learning resources must be relevant to the curriculum and syllabus to
be taught to the students, The coverage of topics or competencies should have
one to one correspondence for particular class and subject. Relevance with reference
to pedagogical considerations should also be evident. These should promote
mastery learning through sequential learning.
2. Accessibility: Learning
resources should be easily accessible to every body. Accessibility of
teaching-learning material should cover the whole range of pupils.
3. Quality: The
material has to be of high quality. Certain standards be evolved to ascertain
quality of materials keeping in view the target group of learners. Eventually
both content and presentation style would matter in this context.
4. Remedial Treatment
and Enrichment: The selected material learning resources should help the
diagnosis of pupils’ weaknesses and have sufficient scope for remedial
treatment for the weak and enrichment exercise/activities for the fast
5. Affordability: This
aspect of learning resource relates to the budgetary provisions. The best possible
material within the budget provisions needs to be selected.
6. Besides the above
mentioned principles, some other factors like culture specificity, freedom from
bias and durability should also be taken care of. Other considerations include,
suitability of material as to age, grade and language level of the pupils.
Only relevant and
usable material should be selected for the school. Extorts should be made to be
pragmatic and to continuously aspire for modernization so far as acquisition of
materials is concerned.
The teacher Head ‘department.
who are selecting learning Resources must. consider content, format. methodology.
evaluation. assessment and treatment of social equally important considerations
are the wide range of audiences, e.g. age ,first language, special needs etc.
as the purpose, characteristics and use of various media selection.
Every effort must be made resources are selected for their strengths. rather
than reported tor their Weaknesses.
Following procedure
should be followed in the selection of learning resources:
1. In selecting
learning resources, professional personnel should evaluate available resources
and curriculum needs and consult reputable, professionally prepared selection
tools/ aids, and other appropriate sources. The actual source should be
examined whenever possible.
2. Recommendations for
acquisition may involve school/ department and community personnel, as
3. Selection criteria
(Principles) should be considered to evaluate learning resources chosen for
classroom use.
4. Selection is an
ongoing process, which should include the removal of materials, no longer
appropriate and the replacement of lost
and worn material still of educational value.
5. The decision-making
process should be participatory and prompt. There should not be any scope for
undue procedural delays, indecisiveness or bureaucratic red tapes. However, adherence
to rules be given top priority. Proper planning and follow-up would therefore, be necessary.
The school Head has to play a pivotal role in
identification and selection of teaching-learning resources. As an executive,
he has to have a vision of school and plan things accordingly. Following are
the responsibilities/role of the Head regarding this issue:
1. To provide material
that will enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration, the
varied interests, abilities, learning styles and maturity of the students
2. To provide
materials that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge. literacy appreciation,
aesthetic values, and societal standards.
3. To provide
materials on various sides of controversial issues, so that the students may
have an opportunity to develop the skills of critical analysis and to make
informed judgments in their daily life.
4. To provide materials
representative of the many ethnic and cultural group and their contributions to
our national heritage and the world community.
5. To place principles
above personal opinions and reason above prejudice in the selection of materials
of the highest quality, in order to assure a comprehensive collection
appropriate to the school community.
While selection of
learning resources involves many people teachers, students, community persons, resource
center personnel, etc. the responsibility for co-ordination the selection of
school learning resources and making the recommendations for purchase rests
with the Head of the school. He may seek the help of some professional
personnel for this purpose.
For appropriate and
proper selection of learning resources the school Head has to demonstrate leadership
in a democratic set-up. He needs to be skillful in dealing with colleagues and
should solicit their co-operation on one hand and harness community support
from the community. In this way, the school Head’s role includes initiating the
process, execution of the plans and other follow up. The objective of regular
improvement in the quality of delivery of education should guide the role of
the school Head in this regard. Hence, the role of the school Head to crucial
in enhancing the quality of instruction using appropriate and proper
teaching-learning material. He has to evolve suitable strategy in this regards.
What is
the meaning of ‘learning resources’? A school system have what kinds of
learning resources? Describe in detail.
2. Explain the concept
of the term ‘learning resources’. Describe its various types.
3. What is meaning of
‘selecting learning resources’? Give its objectives.
4. Explain the term
‘learning resources’? What principles govern their selection and utility?
5. Describe the
principles of selecting and utilizing human and material learning resources in
the context of schools’ teaching-learning process.
6, Describe the nature
and types of teaching-learning resources.
7. What is the concept
of ‘teaching-learning resources’? How you will identify appropriate
teaching-learning resources for their maximum utilization? ,
8. Describe the
criteria to be adopted for selecting appropriate learning resources.
9. Give the importance
of need assessment in the identification, selection and utilization of
appropriate learning resources.
10. Describe the role
of the Head of the school, in the identification, selection and utilization of
the appropriate learning resources.