Friday, 17 January 2025




Teaching methods plays a very important role teaching learning process. A teacher with the help of teaching provide subject matter to students. Teacher efficiency always depends upon teaching methods. In this lesson the different teaching methods are given.



The word “peer’ means equal in rank, quality or worth. that is the meaning of the word as per Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Thus two or three students belonging to the same school} Class Say VI are peers. The word Tutoring comes from the word ‘Tuto Which means as per Longman Dictionary ‘A teacher who gives private instruction to a single pupil oral very small class and who sometimes lives with the family of his Pupil. Peer tutoring involves one to one instruction. Here we have one student being taught by another student—who is in the same class but he/she is a better student.

Here, the students are taught by their Peers who had been trained and Supervised by class teacher, They work together for the Purpose of practicing and mastering academic skills or concept.

So peer tutoring can work well in Indian Schools Where there is Shortage of teachers. In Universalization of elementary We face the Problem of teachers by that can be overcome With the help of peer tutoring.

Peer tutoring can also be Possible outside in the community. There may be drop outs or those who failed to attend the School due to reason, teaching them by the School student after School any course, under the directions and guidance of the School] ours, of out.

3.1.1 Types of Peer Tutoring

1. Unidirectional peer tutoring: Unidirectional peer tutoring means that the trained peer tutor teaches the entire time, and the child with a disability remains the student in the pair, This method is effective when Working with children with more severe disabilities such as severe autism, intellectual disability, visual impairment, or cerebral palsy. The benefits of this option are that the tutor and student always know their roles, and the peer tutor carries the responsibility throughout the entire program.

2. Bi-directional, or reciprocal, peer tutoring: A child with and a child without a disability form a dyad (pair). Both children take turns at being the tutor while the other serves as the student. The instructor can have these children switch roles for each skill, class, week, or unit. This method is most effective with children with mild disabilities. The main benefit of this approach is that each child has an opportunity to be the teacher and experience leadership opportunities.

3. Class-wide peer tutoring: Class-wide peer tutoring involves breaking the entire class into dyads. Each child participates in reciprocal peer tutoring by providing prompts, error correction, and. help to their partner .Class-wide peer tutoring is unique because all children are given task cards to keep them focused on the objectives of the lesson. The tutor takes the task cards and fills in the skills that are mastered by the student. This method is most effective with children with mild disabilities. The main benefit of this approach is that the entire class is involved in the tutoring activity, so no children are singled out because of disability.

4. Cross-age peer tutoring: Cross-age peer tutoring occurs when an older child is chosen to tutor a younger child. This method works best when the peer tutor is interested in working with children with disabilities. The cross-aged peer tutor can be chosen according to willingness, physical skills, and availability. The main benefit of this approach is that the tutor gains valuable teaching experience while the student experiences effective individualized instruction and feedback.

3.1.2 Advantages of Peer Tutoring

Let us try to understand the advantages of peer tutoring. We know that peer tutoring is concerned with (i) student who needs tutoring (ii) student who can give guidance/teaching (1i1) under the guidance of the teacher (iv) in the campus of the school which is headed by the principal/headmaster and governed by the managing committee naturally then, all the afore said benefited by the programme  peer tutoring.

I. Advantages to the needy Students:

(a) The students who need tutoring feel encouraged because they are given special consideration by the school. Their problems in studies are solved.

(b) The students feel more comfortable while receiving instructions from their fellow students. They do not feel hesitation, fear or shyness. This allows them to concentrate better on the learning tasks and helps in improving the academic achievement.

(c) They are able to discuss the problems easily with the fellow Students and thus their problems at root levels are solved.

(d) Without facing any financial constraints, their problems in Studies are remedied.

(¢) While having guidance from the peer, they develop healthy relationship with them, they respect that person, try to immitate him/her and excel in Studies like him/her.

2. Advantages to the Students who Come Forward for Tutoring:

(i) The students who do the job of tutoring feel lot of confidence. They also feel encouraged.

(ii) They will be able attain mastery over the subject matter, knowledge and skills in the subject being taught by them.

(iii) They are able to get training of teaching and that too, under the guidance of their class teacher. it Prepares them for their better future.

(Iv) just possible some of these students may develop interest in teaching and they may adopt teaching as a profession in their future career.

(v) They are able to better relations with their teachers

(vi) Peer tutoring is virtually a sort of social Service-helping the needs in studies it will develop in the students healthy attitude of doing social service in the community/society.

3. Advantages to the Teacher/Teachers

(a) Individual attention is being paid to each and every student. There will be overall improvement in achievement of both tutor and the tutee and this will effect the results of the teachers positively.

(b) It will help in reducing the work load of the teachers as the problems of the students will be solved by the peers only.

(c) In peer tutoring, individual attention and personal guidance are available to the week students. Ultimately, credit for this goes to the class teachers. The reason being virtually, it; is the teacher who has made all these arrangements.

4. Advantages to the School, Principal and the Management:

(a) When problems of the weak students are solved well, results of the school improves. Credit for this goes to the Principal and the management.

(b) Academic environment of the school improves and over all impression of the school increases. All this improves the . image of the school and better future prospects.

3.1.3 Limitations of Peer Tutoring

No doubt, there are many advantages of Peer Tutoring, but it has some drawbacks too which are briefly given here below:

1. In each class and in each subject, there are these days large number of students who need special care and guidance. Will the schools be able to solve the problem rightly. It is very much doubtful.

2. Sometimes the tutor may not turn out to be a good teacher, so the student being taught may not get effective instructions. :

3. it is time consuming. The schools and teachers have to spend a lot of time in making the programme effective. :

4. There may be resentment from the Parents. They may object their ward being taught by the fellow student.

5 The success of peer tutoring depends open mostly on the teacher and the peer tutor. In this age of materialism when every body is too busy with one thing or the other, it is difficult to find out tutors who be able to spare time for social service of this type.

6. It is very difficult to arrange and manage large number of groups of children who need guidance. .

7. Shall the schools be able to give training to the tutors? Perhaps not. I seems to be a challenging job these days,

8. Many a time it is seen that there is conflict between the tutor and the learner who needs guidance. It will result into complete failure of peer tutoring.

In every system which comes to be called good and effective there are some drawbacks. Those limitations should be handled carefully and properly at the higher levels say at the managerial level or the management level. Surely then, the desired goals can be achieved.

3.1.4 Making Peer Tutoring a Success

Peer Tutoring where ever carried out need be handled properly. It has to be well planned and systematic. For this, the following guideline is suggested:


1. The Head of the school, the Managing Committee and the teaching staff should plan in advance for this. For this, they can think of the subjects where peer tutoring is needed,

2. The students who need help and guidance should be selected on the bases of their performance in the tests, exams. Or day to day class room teaching-leaning.

3. Those students should be selected who are really very good subject wise, and can work and are also willing to work. They may be from the same class or they can also be selected from the senior class.

4. Group meetings of the week students should be held under the guidance of the teacher. General guidance should be given to them so that they are able to learn really.

5. Those who are to be used for tutoring, they should be given training of teaching. Demonstrations must be given to them by the teachers.

6. As far as possible, efforts should be made to make it a social service programme and not money based teaching-learning, And in case, the school authorities fee} that tutoring person is financially week and he needs help and also the leaner if he is in a position to pay, then only it can be done that Way.

7. During the course of peer tutoring, the teacher in charge will see to the functioning of the programme from a to z.

8. The leaner and the person engaged for tutoring should give report to the teacher in charge about every thing that was done one particular day and every day.

9. Peer tutoring should not be held every day. It can he done once or twice a week depending upon it need,

10. It should be carried out after school hours or before school as per its suitability to the concerned persons.


Learning by the students in the class and learning by them in the group apparently shows some difference to everybody. Generally here the class consists of 40 to 50 students and sometimes it may be up to sixty even. But seemingly group means lesser number of students.

The group may have 5 or 6 students, sometimes it may have 8 to 10 students, rarely the group consists of 15 students and only in very rare situations the group has 20 or round about twenty students. Thus the process of teaching and hence that of learning in the class and comparatively in the group shows marked difference to every one may be the student, may be the parents, may be the management or any other authority. Team Learning and class learning thus stands clearly differentiated even from the following diagrams.

In the present day over crowded class room situations, the best remedy is that first of all there should be class teaching also called choral teaching and thereafter for certain subjects and also to give the students more practice, Team Learning may be carried on. In class room learning, We notice that generally it is teacher oriented work. If | at all, the students participate in the teaching learning process, it is very limited. Of course, in ‘ne case of special teachers there is involvement of more students. Comparatively, when group work is in progress, there is more involvement of students and sometimes in certain  situations, there 1s percent ‘evolvement of the students. | In case of teaching Math’s, the teacher may teach one topic in the class. Then the students may work in groups and practice for that by solving 4 number of questions. This type of learning of Math’s. By the students in groups will! be much better. Example of other subject:

Suppose the English teacher has taught ‘Active and Passive Voice’ to VIII class consisting of 50 students. Then the students can have practice of the same topic in groups. Each group completes passive voice say 10 sentence. Every student in group can practice of listening speaking reading writing.

3.2.1 Advantages of team learning

Team learning is an off shoot of class learning it is supportive to class teaching In no case, team learning should  be allowed detachment from class work it has the following advantages:

1.       Advantages to the learner

1.       In the group every student feels relaxed and is ready to learn this is true in the case of many students who otherwise feel afraid of the teacher.

2.       The students are able to learn from one another. Surely here there is a sort of peer tutoring also.

3.       It makes the average and below average type of students learn they are able to solve their problems with the help of class mates.

4.       It helps all the students in shedding off their hesitation, or shyness etc. Gradually they are able to gain more and more confidence.

5.       Some students in the different groups are able to get training of leadership.

6.       Some group leaders may develop love for teaching and may be, one or two or some may adopt teaching as a profession in their future career.

(II) Advantages for the teachers

Team learning has the following advantages for the teachers:

1.       Team learning helps the teachers to have some relaxation. Their otherwise too busy and tight schedule when they are six periods busy finds some relief.

2.       Through group work, the teachers are able to do more practice for the learners.

3.       It helps the teachers solve many problems related to weak and average students of the class. The teachers is able to see to their problems in the groups and naturally there better individual attention is possible.

3.2.2         Limitations of team learning


Team learning is no doubt good but it has some disadvantages also which are breathy given here below:

1 The purpose of team learning will be defeated if the class teacher is shirk worker such a teacher a voids teaching and would like to keep the students busy in group work.

2.       There are some teachers in the school who are always too busy may be due to some administrative work duty assigned to team or due to their personal daily life routine work in their hands also group work will fail miserably.

3. Some students who otherwise are shirk workers or are net Serious about studies, may remain at a loss in studies, they may also create hurdles in the study programme of the groups

4. A little freedom given to the groups by the teacher due to any reason will spoil the whole show and may fail to yield the desired results.

5. The brilliant and the outstanding students may find group work as wastage of their time and energy.

6. There are always individual differences among the students. Some are able to do more work in less time and some students are able to do less work in more time. This will create problems like dissatisfaction.


An Individualized Learning Program is a required step in the process of receiving special education services. A student’s parents, teachers, and other service providers meet to come to a consensus about the educational accommodations necessary to assist the student in meeting the objectives. This group of professionals and parents are known as the ILP team.

3.3.1 Characteristics/Nature of Individualized Learning Program (ILP)

1. Special: An individual education plan can be the medium by which we put the special into special education. It is, by necessity, about going beyond what is normally available in the curriculum, and specifies what is particular and special about the provision that is being offered to an individual student, irrespective of the place where that provision is delivered.

2. Individualized: Each individual education plan is tailor made for a particular student. [EPs produced for children with special needs Should not look the came, and those produced for children Attends, the some class should net have identical targets

3. Has a shelf life of one Year (max): The IEP is a nun immediate plan that specifies the leaning and teaching that will happen In a relatively short time frame. IEPs can be written for a term of even a week. but the time frames must be realistic.

4. Targets and goals are specified: The individual educational plan specifies the targets and goals that a student will achieve within a given time frame. It should be noted that the term educational is used in its broadest Sense and goals can include social targets. self-help skills, attendance goals as well as targets for academic learning and cognitive development.

5. Specifies teaching methods/supporting Strategies: The individual education plan also specifies how these targets and goals will be taught in terms of the methods and resources that will be used to support the learning.


6. Reviewed regularly: An ILP needs to be monitored and reviewed. not least to gauge whether or not it is being effective. Systems for doing this can vary widely and there is no doubt that a key adult needs to take responsibility for co-coordinating information to ensure that reviewing is effective. In my experience, in the mainstream context this is an important role for the specialist teacher.

7. Shared with the student: A really effective ILP is one that the student understands and to which he or she is Committed. Depending on the student’s level of skill, he or she can be engaged in the process from the very beginning, from Planning through to self monitoring and review.

3.3.2 Objectives of Individualized Learning Program

The objectives of are as follows:

1.       to solve the problems and difficulties related to the education of the students.

2. Identify their learning disabilities.

3. Understand their physical, mental and intellectual needs

4. Building self-confidence in students, ,

5. Develop their skills by overcoming their shortcomings to provide an opportunity.

6. All round development of students


3.3.3 Individual Learning Program Plow Does Works

1, Students meet with trenchers for one hour a week which provides assignments for the whole week.

2. All week students work independently on their assignments,

3. ‘Teachers provide tutoring sessions to students. They work to gether,

4. Students are provided with a learning center where they can work independently, get help and use computer internet. Thus it can be said that the individual learning program serves a small group of children who want to benefit from special education and want to study independently. These learning programs are organized keeping in view the individual needs of the children.


1. What is meant by peer tutoring? How it works?

2. Explain the meaning and types of peer-tutoring teaching methods.

3. Introduce a critical study of peer-tutoring.

4. What is a team-learning method? Explain its principles.

5. Critically study the merits and demerits of team-learning teaching methods.

6. What are individual learning programs? Why are these needed?

7. Describe the nature of individual learning programs and how they work.

8. Write a brief note on the following:

(i) Peer Tutoring

(ii) Team-learning Method

(iii) Individualized Leaming Programs.