Friday, 17 January 2025




Computer plays a significant role in cash n every field of life. They help us in several ways. For example, they find applications in medicine, industrial process, aviation industry, making bills in various big shops & malls, creating presentation slides in application software for making notes & delivering lectures in colleges, universities and a lot more. In short, not only in just one, but the Computer plays an all-rounded role in the field of education of students. It’s hard to deny that computers have taken a prominent role in modern society. From the smart phones in our pockets to the smart devices controlling our appliances at home and everything in between, computer technology is everywhere. It should come as no surprise that the use of computers in education has been steadily increasing and in many ways has revolutionized traditional education. Computers in the classroom have multiple benefits for both students and their teachers.


Computers are one of the most valuable resources in a classroom because they serve so many useful functions. With computers and the internet, students today have a wealth of information at their fingertips that can help them develop their research and communication skills while preparing them for a future career in a workforce that is increasingly reliant on computer technology.

Computers also have an important role beyond primary and Secondary education classrooms. Thanks to computers and technological advancements, higher education is now more accessible than ever. Many colleges and universities offer online classes, and some even offer degree programs that can be completed exclusively online. Online classes and online degree programs make it easier for single parents or students with heavy workloads to continue their education from the comfort of their own home and at their own pace.


One of the most common applications of computers in education today involves the ongoing use of educational software and programs that facilitate personalized online instruction for students. Programs like ready use computers to assess students in reading and math. Students then work on interactive reading and math lessons that are designed to target the specific academic needs identified during diagnostic testing. Educational software like this makes it easier to differentiate instruction so that lessons meet each student’s unique learning needs. These tools also provide a wealth of useful data and resources that teachers can use to work with their students in the classroom and maximize learning. Online assessments are more efficient than traditional paper testing because it allows for more immediate feedback and data.

Mobile devices and technologies are an inevitable part of society, but that does not mean that students naturally understand how to use those technologies appropriately. Using computers in the classroom gives teachers an opportunity to teach digital citizenship skills that demonstrate ways to use technology correctly and responsibly. Computers also help maximize student engagement. Modern students are regularly exposed to technology outside of the classroom. Most use and enjoy smart phones and other mobile devices, which is why they are more likely to engage in the learning process if it involves something to which they are already accustomed and enjoy.

Computers have revolutionized the teaching profession in multiple ways. Teachers use computers to record grades, calculate averages, and manage attendance and access data on student performance in online programs and assessments. Computers have also made it easier for teachers to vary their instructional delivery. Instead of lecturing at the front of the room for an entire class period, teachers can incorporate technology into their lessons to keep students engaged while appealing to a variety of learning styles. From using computers to create presentations one topic to showing video clips that complement the toss an at hand, techno lazy helps teachers make the content easier for Students to understand.



Student attendance system helps teachers to mark on tine attendance of students during class & reduce manual work Pals ouch to track student’s attendance, absentee record, attendance history &. other related documents. It helps to maintain the accurate record and generate summarized student attendance reports for the students by applying various criteria.

Fingerprint Sensor

A fingerprint scanner is a type of technology that identifies and authenticates the fingerprints of an individual in order to grant or deny access to a computer system or a physical facility. It is a type of biometric security technology that utilizes the combination of hardware and software techniques to identify the fingerprint scans of an individual:

Fingerprint scanners work by capturing the pattern of ridges and valleys on a finger. As a finger rests on the touch-capacitive surface, the device measures the charge; ridges exhibit a change in capacitance, while valleys produce practically no change at all. The sensor uses all this data to accurately map out prints.

Iris Based Attendance

Iris recognition verification is one of the most reliable personal identification methods in Biometrics. This system based biometrics and wireless technique solves the problem of spurious attendance and the trouble of laying the corresponding network. It can make the users’ attendances more easily and effectively. recognition is an automated method of biometric identification that uses mathematical pattern-recognition techniques on video images of the irises of an individual's eyes, whose complex random patterns are unique and can be seen from some distance.

Face Recognition

Face recognition systems use computer algorithms to pick out specific, distinctive details about a person’s face. These details, such as distance between the eyes or shape of the chin, are then converted into a mathematical representation and compared to data on other faces collected in a face recognition database.

Voice Scanner

Voice or speaker recognition is the ability of a machine or program to receive and interpret dictation or to understand and carry out spoken commands. ... Voice recognition systems enable consumers to interact with technology simply by speaking to it, enabling hands- free requests, reminders and other simple tasks.


In earlier time in school, college and universities students’ record was maintained manually but nowadays it is easy because of computer. Daily activities and tasks can be entered into the computer and daily schedules can be sent to universities, schools and colleges using e-mail. Time-tables are easily generated by computer and with the help of printer many copies are made which are given to the teachers and students. the workday gets more structured. Apps work with Calendar or with

Google Calendar which has the added ability to work on or offline. Finding or organizing To-doss lets you track planned events. Calendars are a ubiquitous app. Once you have set the basics of your course, it’s time to think about how you will plan each day of your class. Research shows that the most successful faculty members, on average, work on teaching. This includes starting before getting ready and stopping before work is finished. The daily class period begins with what to do in class today. The class work of the day should fit into your course and at the same time help to achieve the goals of the course. As such, class peer goals should be helpful to your course goal. .


Wide varieties of digital materials which are of educational] significance are available online. Some of the quality materials which are available free of cost or with minimum restrictions can be used, re-used and modified by teachers and students for their teaching and learning. As textbooks are too expansive, the students are switching from textbooks to digital course materials. These materials provide both teachers and students a greater interactivity and social collaboration. One of the materials which can be designed and developed used, re-used and distributed is e-content.

E-content is becoming popular because of it’s flexibility of time. place and pace of learning. E-content includes all kinds of content created and delivered through various electronic media. E-content is available in many subjects and almost all levels of education. It can be used by wide variety learners with diverse needs, different backgrounds, and previous experience and skill levels. It can be shared and transmitted easily and promptly among unlimited number of users around the world. Teachers, students and others get benefited by the use of well designed and developed e-content. It is advantageous to the educational organizations to make their program accessible to their teachers and students on campus, home and other community learning or resource centers. It has a significant implications for open and distance learning institutions.

Electronic content (e-content) which is also known as digital content refers to the content or information delivered over network based electronic devices or that is made available using computer network such as internet. According to Oxford dictionary ‘e-content is the digital text and images designed to display on web pages’. According to Saxon Anural (201 1) ‘E-content to basically a package that satisfies the conditions like minimization of distance, cost effectiveness. user friendliness and adaptability to local conditions’. Well developed e-content can be delivered many times to different learners. Individual course components i.e. units, lessons and media elements such as graphics and animations can be re-used in different contexts.

Designing and Development of E-content

The purpose of c-content development is to create an information rich society. Everyone in the society is empowered to create, receive, share and utilize information for their progress. Very well designed, developed and validated e-content will provide access to high quality meaningful digital content and serve as an effective virtual teacher. Originally the model contained several steps under its five original phases (analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate). Over the  years the steps were revised and finally the model itself became more  dynamic and interactive.

1. Analysis: It is the first phase of this model meant for examining the suitability of the e-content to be developed. It is related analyzing the learning needs, context, learner, task and content. Analyzing the learning needs is identifying the needs from the  perspective of different learners, teachers, subject experts, practitioner, policy makers etc. Needs are to be clearly stated.

Contextual analysis is collecting data related to the context of learning such as learning environment. Whether the e-content developed is for the individual or group, formal or informal, facilitated or self-learning etc.

 Learner analysis is collecting data related to learners academic levels and attributes such as skills, motivation, visual literacy, language competency. learning styles etc. That is nothing but preparing the learner profile. It helps to know about the leaner.

Tasks analysis : is stating the purpose of developing the e-content deciding whether that is develop for educating training creating awareness, developing skills etc.

Content analysis : is nothing but preparing a content outline good content comprehension is required before designing and developing content. It includes verifying the content with respect to cognitive appropriateness, factual accuracy, completeness etc. It also includes classifying the content into facts, concepts, principles, processes and procedures.

2. Design: It is concerned with defining the learning objectives, structuring the content logically, specifying the instructional and evaluation strategies, and preparing for visual and technical design. Learning objectives are to be defined in clear, realistic and measurable terms. Learning objectives are the statements that describe what the learner will be able to do at the end of the course or program. Learning objectives should specify performance and communicate their purposes. Prepare a detailed content outline in which content is thoroughly analyzed and logically organized. Content is to be structured logically following simple to complex, known to unknown, concrete to abstract, general to specific etc. Instructional strategies are to be stated clearly. Depending on the learning style and nature of the content we have to decide the appropriate instructional strategy. Appropriate media mix that is combination of audio, video, graphics, animation; simulation etc. is to be decided.

 Learner evaluation strategies such as practice, computer marked or tutor marked assessments, pretest, post-test, remedial tests etc. are to be specified. We have to decide about the formative and summative assessments. Before developing the content for the selected course review the proposed Learning objectives. Make sure that content, assessment tests and exercises match the objectives stated. Provide the information and knowledge required to meet she learning objectives.

3. Development: It is related to the creation of story board. Story board is nothing but scripting the entire course content. The term ‘story board* is taken from  production. In a movie it indicates the visual representation of the various scenes. In e-content development the story board describes step by step script of the final outcome of the content 2. story beard 15 created to provide a blue print of the course with each and every Seta! along with the content notes. The story beard is created based on the objectives and instructional strategies. Here the developers create and assemble the content assets and learning objects. Programming and international of all media Clements into a cohesive multimedia package are the part of this phase.


4. Implement: In the implementation phase, materials are distributed to learners. A comprehensive implementation strategy document is developed. This document should cover the course curriculum, learning outcomes, method of delivery in terms of hard ware and soft ware requirements and testing procedures, Ensure that the web site is functional if the material is on the web site,

5. Evaluation: The evaluation phase consists of two parts i.e. Formative and summative evaluation. Formative evaluation is present in cash stage of the ADDIE process. Summative evaluation determines the adequacy of the distributed materials in achieving the course objectives. Material is to be revised at all the stages based on the feedback received.


Increased numbers of students in higher education and the corresponding increase in time spent by staff on assessment has encouraged interest into how technology can assist in this area. Ensuring that the assessment methods adopted reflect both the aims and objectives of the course and any technical developments which have taken place is becoming increasingly important especially as quality  assurance procedures require departments to justify the assessment procedures adopted. Please of computers to aid intestine has been continuing to develop into dynamic tool for student assessment. Significant benefits exist with the scope of questions, test hints and adjoining skills guides that can help a student's overall study skills and comprehension of the curriculum,

(a) Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA): Computer-assisted assessment is used to assess Learning and performance of the students. It includes all types of assessments whether formative or summative assessment and which is then conveyed with the assistance of these modern technologies. Delivery of the assessment is made online as well as offline. Computer Assisted Assessment follows the formative assessment where it helps the students to check their knowledge. It is basically done to know whether the student has learned the task or not and to give timely feedback to the students which mainly teaches the teacher educator to know the best way to teach any subject. Examples of computer assisted assessment are the OMIR that is used to grade MCQs and various other database programs that help in recording student marks.

(b) Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT): In the recent

development in technology is the use of computer adaptive testing =which enhances the testing process to a great extent? While a student is subjected to answer questions, the technology is capable of adjusting the level of the difficulty. The technology accesses how a student is answering the questions and how much mistakes the student is making, Based on that concept the technology will adjust the other questions accordingly. If the student is making many mistakes while answering the questions, the software will take the student back to the previous questions. Further, the technology is capable of putting questions from previous learned content as well. As the technology is increasing its area, it became as the easiest method to use it in the educational contexts.

(c) Online Assessment: Online assessment is usually followed When any instructor needs any information pertaining to some content. The assessment is made online where an instructor sets some sort of a questionnaire to get it filled from the opponent. With the help of the emerging technology, it 1s easy for instructors to design an online test and get the response of that test via web. There are a lot of agencies working under this plat room. Some of them are free while most are paid.

(d) Survey Tools: There are many online survey tools like survey monkey, poll daddy or lime survey. These kinds of tools can be used to collect feedback from students regarding any matter. In some situations where we are creating a survey of bipolar set of opinions, this kind of web-based tools can be used

(e) Wikis: A wiki is a website that allows users to collaboratively edit and create content. A very good example of a wiki is Wikipedia, a collaboratively created online encyclopedia. The Wikis are becoming very much popular now a day. Because it facilitates collaboration among learners. The contribution made in wiki by the learners can be assessed by the teachers as well. Therefore, it can be very much helpful while using it as a tool for accessing peers.


1. How is the computer the basis of modern life? What is the use of computer in teaching and learning process?

2. Apart from academic applications, what other uses are used in computer education system? Give a brief description

3. How can the attendance of students or staff be measured by computer? Describe the method.

4. What is a Daily Planner? Provide its information with computers about the management.

5. What is meant by e-content? Write down how to get it from the computer.

6. Is computer assessment possible? If so, in what areas can the computer evaluate? Give details.