Bloom’s taxonomy
provides a consistent means of developing the single most powerful tool for the
assessment of student program outcomes (PQ) - the learning or performance
objective. A goal of Bloom’s taxonomy is to motivate educators to focus on all
the three domains, creating a more holistic form of education. Educators concerned
with learning theory have given considerable thought to various types of
learning in higher education providers. Bloom’s taxonomy divides the
educational objectives into three domains: cognitive domain, psychomotor domain
and affective domain. Within each domain are multiple levels of learning that
progress from more basic, surface- level learning to more complex, deeper-level
assessments are a type of pre-employment assessment that evaluates an
individual’s aptitude or relevant skills to determine whether they are a good match
for the role. Domain-based assessments are employed by hiring managers to
measure an! applicant’s specific role-based skills based on the established
industry standards. Domain skill assessments can be leveraged across various disciplines
or fields to assess potential and productivity, to evaluate particular skills
relevant to the job in consideration. Domain-based assessments are a type of
pre-employment assessment that evaluates an individual’s aptitude or relevant
skills to determine whether they are a good match for the role. A domain knowledge
assessment can be in the form of a general evaluation that a helps gauge and
evaluate an individual's personality type and skills, and expertise level to
deduce a detailed understanding before hiring. Organizations are also using domain-based
assessments to attract and retain talent.
Cognitive domain deals
with how a student acquires processes and utilizes the knowledge. It is the
“thinking” domain. This domain factices on intellectual skills and is familiar
to educators. Bloom's taxonomy (knowledge, comprehension, application,
analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) is frequently used to describe the
increasing complexity of cognitive skills as students move forward from a
beginner to more advance level in their knowledge. Cognitive domain is the core
of the learning domain. The other two domains (affective and psychomotor) require
at least some of the cognitive components. The cognitive domain is well-suited
for online environment of assessment. Courses that are hybrid (both online and
face-to-face mode), often present the cognitive portion of the course through
the web and use classroom teaching- learning methods for affective, psychomotor,
and interpersonal course outcomes (COs). The levels in the cognitive domain can
be measured
Class discussions —
refreshing previous lectures
Organized class notes
Provide sufficient
information through charts
Power point slides
Real time examples
Self-check quizzes
Project/problem based
Conducting course
seminars and viva voce
Practice questions
with answers and “expert” explanations.
An achievement test is
an important tool in the school of evaluation programmer. It is necessary for
the teacher to know how for the pupils have attained in a particular subject
area. Therefore, achievement
test is employed for
measuring the amount success or level of an individual in a specific field or
an area of accomplishment. So it is post-oriented. Therefore, any test designed
to measure the various achievements of students in a school after a period of
training o learning is called an achievement test. They are the evidences of
what has been acquired by a student by testing his her Present ability
Definitions of Achievement Test
According lo Thorndike
and Hagen. Thy type of abet beta describes what a person has learned to do is
called an Achier cement 1 7 According to Freeman, “An Achievement Test is ATO
legato measure the knowledge, understanding and skills in a specified shy. OF a
group of subjects.” yet
According to N.M.
Dowering, “Any test that formal the attainments or accomplishments of an
individual after period Of training of learning is called as an Achievement
Test.” . So we can say that the achievement test is a formal assessment The
test helps the teacher to understand the level of comprehension of the students
in a specific subject and helps him to estimate the capabilities of the
students. So it is necessary for the teacher to know how to construct an achievement
test efficiently. "Types of Achievement Test in Teaching of Social Science.
12.2.2 Important Features of Achievement Test.
1. It should have
description of measured behavior.
2, It includes a test
manual for its administrating and scoring.
3.A good achievement
test 1s tried out and selection on the basis of its difficulty level and
discriminating power.
4. Its major purpose
is to check the modification behavior of
5. In achievement test weightage should be given
to different domain like knowledge, understanding and application and skill
according to behaviors to be measured.
6. It is accompanied
by norms which are developed at various levels and on various age groups.
Our tests and
examinations are usually based on essay, concise questions and objective
questions. Students are then assessed on the basis of these tests. They are
given marks, passed or failed. There are many advantages and disadvantages to such
tests. A critical study of them will be presented here.
12.3.1 Essay Type Tests
Essay types test are
one of the most popular type of tests in our country. In this type of tests, the
students have to answer a few questions (generally 5 to 10 questions) in a
fixed interval of time (generally 2-4 hours). This type of tests are commonly
employed to check the power of memorization, expression, reorganization etc.
other important things that can be evaluated though these tests are handwriting,
proficiency over the language, problem solving abilities, ability to organize
and synthesize etc. Due to its ease of administration it is most widely used
type of tests. Type of Questions: — -
In essay type tests
the questions are generally of three types. These are:
(i) Restricted
Response Questions: This type of questions restrict the students to response
according to the given context and form of questions. The space and number of
words of the answer are restricted to word limit (say 50 word/300 words etc.)
An Example of this type of questions is given below: Question: Define economic
development. Explain the main conditions of economic development
(ii) Extended Response
Questions: [n such type of questions
the students get freedom to express their view according to
their proficiency over
language, mental ability. Creativity example of this type of questions Is as
follows .
Questions, What are
the various ways in which consumer is exploited? Explain with examples.
(ii) Open-ended
Questions: This type of questions are widely
used to check an
evaluate the creativity of the students. his type of questions are helpful in
evaluating creativity, power of reasoning, organizing and integrating the
matter etc. An example of such question is as follows:
Question: According to
you, what steps the government should take to check the population explosion?
Explain in detail. Advantages/Merits of Essay-Type Tests
(i) Easy to Construct:
Essay type tests are very easy to construct. They can be farmed in very less
time also. The examiner has to select a few questions from the whole syllabus.
This can be done even a few minutes before the examination.
(ii) Easy to use:
Essay-type Tests are very easy to use also. The teacher gives the question paper
and answer sheets and the students gets busy in answering them. After the fixed
time, the teacher collects the answer sheets from the students.
(iii) Simple: Another
important advantage of essay-type tests is that they are very simple in formation,
conduct and operation. No specific training is required on the part of either
the students or the teacher. These tests are readily understood by the
(iv) Test of
originality: Through easy type tests the students can express their original
ideas. They can express their own thoughts _ and opinions through them. Thus,
these tests are helpful in checking the originality of the students.
(v) Test of
application of knowledge: Through essay-type test the real understanding of the
students about the concepts can be evaluated. These can be used to check
whether the students are able to apply the knowledge in real life situation or
(vi) Brainstorming: It
is one of most modern techniques of teaching, learning and evaluation. Sometime
such question are asked In essay-type questions which stimulate mental
abilities of the students.
This helps in
evaluating the reasoning power, thinking and analyzing power etc. of the
(vii) Test of
expression: Essay type tests can also be used to evaluate the power of
expression of the students. The effectiveness of response of the students as
well as their mastery over the language can be taken into consideration for testing
their power of expression.
(vii) Qualitative
Evaluation: Through essay-type tests, the qualitative evaluation of the students
is possible. The qualitative evaluation of literary, language-related and
analyzing abilities of the students.
(ix) Less scope of
copying: In essay type tests, the questions are descriptive and long. There fore,
there is lesser scope of copying.
(x) Inspiring
Study-Habits: Essay-type tests, inspire the students for extensive study. The
students can be successful in these test sonly if he has good study-habits and
only if he studies extensively.
(xi) Saves time and energy: Essay types tests
save much time and energy-because these test can be framed in very less time
and these can also be evaluated in very less time. Thus, too much time and energy
of the students and teachers is saved.
(xii) Helpful in
developing writing style: Through essay-type- tests, the writing-style of the
students can be developed. The students learn to express their thoughts,
opinions, ideas etc. in their own style through these tests.
(xiii) Economic:
Essay-type tests are also cheep and economic. Not much examiner are required
for their conduction. Also no specialized experts are required to frame and
design such tests. Thus, there is very less expenditure on these tests as
compared to other tests. .
(xiv) Evaluation of
mental abilities: The mental abilities to the students, such as comprehension,
understudy verbal and non-verbal reasoning etc. can be effectively evaluated
through essay-type tests.
(xii) Free from
complexities: Essay type tests are simple an easy to design, construct,
administer and evaluate. Thus, these tests are free from all types of
complexities. Disadvantage/Demerits/Limitations of Essay-Type Tests Essay-Type
Tests have following limitation and demerits
1. Not Valid: One of
the most prominent limitation of essay- type tests is that these test are not valid.
Sometimes out of syllabus questions are asked. Sometimes the students, while
writing answers to the questions goes very far from the context. This affects
its validity, because the test no longer tests what it is supposed to test.
Emphasis on Cramming:
Another important limitation of essay type Test is that at Promotes The
students don’ understand the content and just reproduce whatever the have
memorized in response of the particular question,
3. Lack of Reliability:
These tests also lack reliability sometimes a students who has learnt fort he
whole year fails while the other who has studied just fore few days passes the
tests. Thus these tests also lack reliability sometimes.
4. Subjectivity: Yet
another demerit of essay-type tests is that they are subjective in nature.
These are affected by the subjectivity of the examiner as well on that of
examiner. The personal views opinions, prejudices, ideas etc. of examiner and
examinee affect the response of a particular answer as well as it evaluation.
5. Time Consuming: Sometimes
essay type tests become very time consuming. When the questions are not framed
properly or when the students don’t provide appropriate answers, the evaluation
process takes too-much time.
6. Test of limited
knowledge: In essay type test, the students have to answer only a few selected questions.
Thus these tests are tests of only limited knowledge of the students.
7. Not scientific
Method: Essay type tests are not considered scientific method of evaluation as
these tests don’t check the reasoning ability, understanding and application of
knowledge etc.
8. Less comprehensive:
There is another important limitation of essay-types tests. These tests are
less comprehensive as compared to objective type tests. In these test only a
few questions are asked from the whole syllabus. Thus, whole syllabus is not
9. Stress on writing
speed: In essay-type tests the students have to answer some questions in descriptive
way. The students have to answer these questions in 2000 words or so.
Therefore, she student’s writing speed must be very fast. This these test
become writing speed test rather than real tests.
10. Importance of
hand-writing: Handwriting also plays a significant role in these tests. A candidate
whose handwriting is good, sometimes, gets more marks then the one who gives the
exact and accurate answer in bad handwriting. Thus, we see that handwriting plays
an important role in these tests.
11}. Emphasis on
expression: In essay-type tests, the emphasis is on expression rather than the
understanding, knowledge, skills etc. A person who doesn’t know the exact
answer to a particular questions. can still get good marks it he has ability of
good expression,
12. Variable standard
of paper-setting: There are no set standard for preparing pagers. The teacher
prepares the tests according to his or her own choice. This is also a demerit
of essay-type tests.
13. Difficult to
evaluate: One of the most important demerits of essay-type tests is that these
tests are very difficult to evaluate. The evaluation of these test is very
hard, lengthy and difficult task, in which a lot of time is wasted.
14. Luck-factor: Luck
factor plays an important role in these tests. Sometimes a students who have studies
for the whole year fails while a person who have student who had studied just
fore few hours fails just because those questions were asked in the tests which
be studied. Suggestions for the Improvement in Essay Type Tests
Although there are
certain limitations and demerits of essay type tests, yet these can be
converted into an effective tool of evaluation by keeping into mind the
following suggestions: . .
ii. Use of simple
language: Essay-type tests can be made effective if simple language is used in
it. Sometimes difficult and complex language is used in essay-type test which
leads to improper, wrong and misleading, answers on the part of students.
Therefore for framing an essay type test only simple language must be sued.
2. Clarity in the
Questions: The questions of the essay- type questions must be simply, clear and
easy to understand. It the students don’t understand the questions, he will not
be able to give the proper answer. This problem can be overcome only it there
is clarity in the questions.
3. Clear directions
regarding questions: Clear directions regarding the questions should be given
at the beginning of the question- paper. Which question is to be answered? in
now many words? Which questions are optional? etc. These things should be
stated in clear terms.
4. Directions for
evaluation: An important demerit of essay type tests is the subjectivity in marking
scheme on the past of the evaluator. This limitation can be overcome if clear
directions are provided to the evaluators for proper and uniform evaluation.
5, Specificity of
Questions: In essay-type tests only specific questions related to the syllabus
should be asked. Out of syllabus and context of syllabus and curriculum
questions should not be in chided in these tests. The terminology of questions
should also match the terminology of the textbooks, a
6. “Answering key for
evaluator: Proper evaluation 1s not possible by provided merely dissections for
evaluation to the evaluators, An answering key should be prepared for the
evaluators for proper and effective evaluation,
7. Questions related to
application of knowledge: For checking the actual knowledge and understanding
of the students, the questions related to the application of knowledge should
be included in the question paper. Such questions are very effective for
checking knowledge and understanding of the students.
8. ~ Emphasis on expression
and understanding: Essay-type tests, more emphasis should be given on the
expression and understanding. It should develop the student’s power of
expression as well as his understanding.
9. Correlation between
objectives of education and evaluation: There should be a proper correlation
between the objective of education and evaluation. So, essay-type questions
should be framed by keeping objectives of education in mind.
10. According to mental
level of students: Essay-type questions should be framed by keeping in mind the
mental level and age of the students.
12.3.2 Objective and Short Answer Type Tests
questions are the questions which can be replied in one or two words or
numerals, choosing right option, filling in the blanks etc.
Short answer type
Questions are those questions which can be answered in 100 to 200 words or 10
to 5 lines only. Answers to these a questions are very specific. The main purpose
of this type test is to test a large amount of knowledge, abilities and
understanding within a short time. Scoring in short answer type test is more
objective than the essay type test. Example: (1) Give the main features of
monopolistic- competition. (2) Explain the concept of globalization in 50
words, We Merits of Objective and Short Answer-type Tests The merits of
objectives type and short answer-type tests are given as follows:
1. Valid: Objective
type and short answer-type tests are more valid as compared to essay-type
2. Reliable: These
tests also have an clement of reliability. These are more reliable then the
traditional tests.
3. Time-Saving:
Objective tests and short-answer type test also save a lot of time because the
students don’t have to answer the questions for hours.
4. No stress on cramming:
Short answer type tests and objectives type tests don’t promote cramming and
rote-memorizing. Rather it promote good study-habits.
5. Simple: These tests
are also very simple. These tests are not complex and complicated. Students as
well as teachers can easily understand them.
6. Easy to
use/administer: The objective-type tests as well as short-answer type tests are
easy to use and administer.
7. Easy to evaluate:
Unlike essay-type tests, objective type tests and short answer type tests are
very easy to evaluate.
8. Emphasis on
understanding: Through the use of these tests, it is possible to access and evaluate
the understanding of the students.
9. No Role of
Luck-factor: Luck-factor doesn’t play any significant role in the short answer
type and objective type tests.
10. No stress on
language proficiency: Unlike essay type, tests, the short answer type tests and
objective type tests don’t lay any stress on the language proficiency of the
11. Helpful in
Guidance-program me: Short answer type and objective type tests are also
helpful in providing proper guidance and counseling to the students.
12. No discrimination:
The teacher cannot do any kind discrimination to the students in short answer
type tests and objective type tests.
13. Scientific Method:
Objective type tests and short answer type tests are scientific in nature.
These are based on scientific method.
14. Free from
complexities: These type of test are free from all kinds of complexities and
15. Standardized Test:
A number of standardized tests are available which can be readily be used for
examination purposes.
16. Comprehensive:
Through the use of items of short answer type and objective type tests such
type of tests can be framed which are more comprehensive than the traditional
17. Objectivity :
These tests are more objective than the traditional essay type tests.
18. Evaluator cannot
be mislead : In short answer type and objective type tests the evaluator cannot
be misled by giving inappropriate answer.
19. Helpful in allowed
development of the child: these type of tests are quite helpful in the all
round development of the personality of the students.
20. Helpful in student
classification : These fests are also very helpful for the purpose of
classification of the students.
of objective and short answer type tests:
Main delimits and
limitations of objective type tests are as follows:
to construct: It is not easy to construct objective type and short answer type
tests it requires a lot time energy and effort on the part of the teacher.
than essay type tests : Another limitation of these tasts is that these tests
are a little costlier than the traditional essay type tests.
No scope
for evaluation of creativity : These is no scope of checking the creativity and
originality of students through short answer type and objective type tests.
Doesan’ t
promote ability of expression :These tests don’t promote and develop the
ability of expression of among the students.
guess work : objective type tests promotes a habit of guess work among the
Language skills writing skills are in gored : in short
answer type and objective type questions only understanding is evaluated the
language skills an writing skills are totally ignored.
promote Those tests check evaluate only understanding and application of
knowledge these don’t promote originality in the students.
stressful to the students : Objective type tests and short answer type tests
are more stressful for the students.
10. High-level mental
abilities cannot be measured: These tests cannot be used to evaluate and measure
high-level mental abilities of the students.
ll. No evaluation of
critical-ability of students: These type of tests can also not be used for
evaluating the critical-ability of the students.
12. Much stress on
memorization: In short-answer types and short answer type tests too much stress
is given on memorization of facts.
13. Stress on getting
higher grades: The teacher, the patents as well as students given too much
stress on getting higher grades.
14. Lack of expert
teachers: These tests require expect teachers but unfortunately, there is lack
of such teachers.
15. No test of depth
of knowledge: These tests evaluate only superficial knowledge of the students.
These tests don’t check then in depth of the students.
Type of Questions in
Objective and Short Answer Type Tests
There are various
types of questions, which can be asked through short answer type and objective type
tests objective questions are generally classified into two categories. There
I. Recognition Type
Ii. Recall Type
iii. Recognition Type
In this type of
Questions the students have to recognize right answer from a number of answer.
These tests are discussed as follows:
(A) Questions: In such
type of questions, four or five answers are given for any particular question.
The student has to recognize the correct answer from them. For example:
Questions: Law of
demand is based upon.
(a) law of diminishing
(b) law of diminishing
(c) law of equilibrium marginal utility.
(d) law of
substitution bay Guestrooms, The test way to control the population growth
(a) Birth control
(b) Increasing the death rate
(c) Self control
(d) Increasing the age of marriage
(B) True-False Type Questions: True-False tests are also
known as alternate-answer type questions. In these questions, the students
have to mark their answers on true or false, Yes or No, agree or disagree etc.
In these questions these are only two answers, out of which the students have
to choose the correct one. For example
Que: India is second highest populated country of the world.
Que: Marginal costs are effected by fixed costs.
Que: Consumption is creation of utility.
(C) Matching Questions: In matching type questions the students have to
match different columns. For Example.
Match the followings:
Higher rainfall Ludhiana
Famous for hosiery products Punjab
Products Adam smith
Bhakra Dam Chirapoonji
Wealth of Nations
(D) Arrangement Type Questions: In classification type questions, the
students are provided a number of item and they have to arrange them in a
proper sequence or category etc. For example
1. Arrange the following in chronological order
(a) White revolution
(b) Second five year plan
(c) New economic policy
(d) World Trade Organisation
Arrange the following days in
proper sequence
(a) Tuesday
(b) Monday
(c) Wednesday
(d) Sunday.
II. Recall Type Test: In recall type test student is required to provide
missing information, usually words, numbers etc. to complete the given
statement. In this type of test length of response required is short. This test
is more reliable because the score docs not depend on expression, speed, style
etc. As the student chooses among the number of options he can recall, so it
discourages guessing.
(1) Indian economy is........economy.
(2) In India per capita income is........
(3) Profit is a reward for.............
Merits of recall type test:
Followings are the merits of recall type test:
(1) It develops the
problem solving ability
(2) It discourages
(3) It broade1s the
mental horizons of the students.
(4) It develops the
understanding of the students.
Demerits of recall
types test:
The demerits of the
recall type test are as follows:
(1) Scoring of the
test is laborious.
(2) It measures highly
factual knowledge of the students.
(3) It encourage the
students to learn important words and phrases only.
123.3. Oral/Viva-Voce Tests
In oral or viva-voce
tests, the students are put certain questions, which they have to answer
verbally. Their response to these questions is evaluated. These type of tests are
becoming popular day by day. Merits/Advantages of Oral Tests
The main advantages of
oral tests are given as follows:
Reliability: The oral tests are more reliable
than the written tests. The teacher can get the response direct from the
Less expensive: Oral tests don't involve any
type of paper-work. Thus. It is very much less expensive than the written
No scope
of copying: There 1s no scope of copying in the oral and viva-voce tests,
4. Proper evaluation
of students’ understanding: Through oral tests, it is possible to assess the
understanding level of the student,
5. ‘Time saving: Oral
tests have another advantage over other tests. It consume very less time as can
pared to other tests.
6. ‘Test of power of
expression: Through oral tests the power of expression of the students can be
tested and evaluated.
7. Free from handwriting-problems:
Another important advantage of oral tests is that these tests are free from all
kind of handwriting-problems.
8. Proper test of
pronunciation: Through the use of oral tests, the pronunciation of the students
can also be evaluated.
9. Test of
application/use of knowledge: These tests are also very useful for checking the
knowledge as well as the ability to apply the knowledge.
10. Motivates good
study habits: Oral test are very helpful in promoting the good study habits
among, the students. Demerits/Limitations of Oral Tests
The main demerits of
oral tests are as follows:
Not valid: One of the most important
limitation of oral tests in that these are not valid. Sometimes the teacher and
students are distracted from the main points.
2. Stress on cramming:
These tests lay too much stress on cramming and rote-memorization.
3. Importance of luck:
Luck plays a significant role in these tests. If by chance the teacher asks simple
questions the student will get good marks.
4. Lack of skilled
examiners/teachers: There is need of skilled examiners and teachers for oral
test. But such teachers and examiners are very rare.
5. Not scientific
method: Oral or viva-voce tests are not based on scenting principles. Thus this
is nota scientific method.
6. Not psychological:
Oral tests are also not psychological. Dose tests don’t follow the principles
of psychology.
7. No
test of writing style: Through oral and viva-voce tests. the writing style of
the students cannot be evaluated,
8. I aspires guess-work:
Sometimes, the oral tests inspire the students for guessing the answer. Thus i
promotes guess work
9 Doesn't promote
debating-ability: Oral tests require straight answers. Thus, these tests don't
promote debating ability
10. No knowledge about
mastery over language and grammar: Through these tests. the mastery over the
language and grammar of the student cannot be assessed,
12.3.4 Performance/Practical Tests
As the name indicates,
in these tests, the students are assigned certain work. They have to complete
this work within a specified period of time. After the completion, this work or
performance is evaluated and assessed.
These tests are also
becoming very popular now a days. These tests have become an integral part of
our examination system. Merits/Advantages of Performance/Practical Tests
1. Scientific method:
Performance tests are scientific in nature. These are based on principles and
methods of science.
2. Development of
self-confidence in the students: Through these tests, self-confidence can be
developed among the students.
3. Easy to use:
Performance/practical tests have another advantage over other tests. These are
very easy to use.
4. Proper Test of
understanding of the students: Through practical work and performance, the real
understanding of the students can be measured.
5. No scope for
copying: There is no scope of copying in these tests as every students have to
give his own performance.
6. Test of psychomotor
skills: Practical tests and . performance tests are best suited for checking
the psychomotor skills of the students.
7. No scope for
cramming: There is no scope of cramming in performance and practical tests.
8. Test of
use/application of knowledge: Through these tests the use and application of
knowledge is evaluated and assessed.
9, Free from
handwriting/writing style problem: Performance and practical tests are also
free from all kinds of handwriting problems.
Less expensive:
Practical and performance tests are very much less expensive than the
traditional tests.
Demerits/Limitations of Performance/Practical
1. Lack of skilled teachers and examiners:
Practical performance tests require expert and skilled teacher. But there is
lack of such teachers and examiners.
2. Time-consuming
method: Another important limitation ~of these tests is that these ‘to are very much time consuming.
3. Lack of equipment’s/material:
In our country, there is lack of equipment’s and mater al for conducting
practical and performance tests.
4. Factors such as climate
and condition of health of student: Another important drawback of these test is
chat factors such as climate and condition of health of the student plays as
gnificant role in these tests.
5. Anxiety among the
students: Sometimes the students feel
very anxious before these sets. Thus they can not give their real performance.
6. Need of expensive equipment’s:
Sometimes, p tactical and performance tests 1*qui e expensive equipment’s and material.
7. No these of command over language/writing
style: It is not possible and assess the command over language and Writing
style through tests.
8. Difficult) and
complex tests. Some practical and performance vests are very difficult and convex Students get confused over them
9. Doesn’t inspire
good Study h. bits: These tests don’t promote good » duty habits among the
10. Lack fungiform and
Standardized tests. Thee is lack of uniform and standardized practical and
performance tests.
12.3.5 Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic tests are
generally used for finding out the weaknesses of the students. We Know that
there are q number of problems in the teach process. If these are sorted out
then the teaching learning process become- m re effective Therefore, just as a
doctor diagnoses his Pallet to know about the decrees, the teacher uses
diagnostic tests to know about the weaknesses of students and teacher learning
Types of Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic tests are
generally classified into two main categories. These are:
1. Physical or
clinical diagnostic tests: Physical or clinical diagnostic tests are the test
related to physical aspect of student such as vision, hearing etc. I these
things are not working well, the learning process won’t be effective.
2. Educational
diagnostic tests: These are the tests that are designed to diagnose and evaluate
the barrier and weaknesses in the learning process.
Merits/Advantages of Diagnostic Tests
1. Helpful in
the learning of the students: These tests are quite helpful in finding the
learning difficulties of the students.
2. Helpful in knowing
about the strengths and weaknesses of the student: The strength and weaknesses
of the students can be assessed through diagnostic tests.
3. helpful in curriculum changes: Diagnostic
tests are also helpful in curriculum change. Through the tests, the strengths
and weakness of curricula m can also be assessed.
4. Feedback to the
students: Findings of diagnostic tests can be effectively use for providing
feedback .o the students.
5. Helpful in finding
causes of problems of educational system: These tests arc also helpful in
finding the cause of problems of the educational system
6 Help full in
classification of the student: Diagnostic tests are sometimes used for classing
the student in different categories.
“. Suggestions for
remedial measures: Diagnostic tests Not only find out protein area they also
provide workable suggestions for remedial measures
Feedback to the teachers:
Through diagnostic tests. feedback can also be provided to the teachers.
1. What are the
various techniques of assess students performances Discuss the advantages of
essay type tests.
2, What do you mean by
objective type test? Discuss the various type of objective type tests with
suitable examples.
3. What improvements
do you suggest in the existing pattern of examination? Explain.
4. What do you mean by
short answer type test? Discuss the various types of short type tests with
suitable examples.
5 What is achievement
test? Explain the steps involve in test.