Monday, 4 November 2024

Foundational Stage Competencies



2.4.1 Domain: Physical Development

CG-1 Children develop habits that keep them healthy and safe

C-1.1 Shows a liking for and understanding of nutritious food and does not waste food

C-1.2 Practices basic self-care and hygiene

C-1.3 Keeps school/classroom hygienic and organised

C-1.4 Practices safe use of material and simple tools

C-1.5 Shows awareness of safety in movements (walking, running, cycling) and acts appropriately

C-1.6 Understands unsafe situations and asks for help

CG-2 Children develop sharpness in sensorial perceptions

C-2.1 Differentiates between shapes, colours, and their shades

C-2.2 Develops visual memory for symbols and representations

C-2.3 Differentiates sounds and sound patterns by their pitch, volume, and tempo

C-2.4 Differentiates multiple smells and tastes

C2.5 Develops discrimination in the sense of touch

C-2.6 Begins integrating sensorial perceptions to get a holistic awareness of their experiences

CG-3 Children develop a fit and flexible body

C-3.1 Shows coordination between sensorial perceptions and body movements in various activities

C-3.2 Shows balance, coordination, and flexibility in various physical activities

C-3.3 Shows precision and control in working with their hands and fingers

C-3.4 Shows strength and endurance in carrying, walking, and running



2.4.2 Domain: Socio-Emotional and Ethical Development

CG-4 Children develop emotional intelligence, i.e., the ability to understand and manage their own emotions, and responds positively to social norms

C-4.1 Starts recognising 'self' as an individual belonging to a family and community

C-4.2 Recognises different emotions and makes deliberate efforts to regulate them appropriately

C-4.3 Interacts comfortably with other children and adults

C-4.4 Shows cooperative behaviour with other children

C-4.5 Understands and responds positively to social norms in the classroom and school

C-4.6 Shows kindness and helpfulness to others (including animals,plants) when they are in need

C-4.7 Understands and responds positively to different thoughts, preferences, and emotional needs of other children


CG-5 Children develop a positive attitude towards productive work and service or Seva'

C-5.1 Demonstrates willingness and participation in age-appropriate physical work towards helping others

CG-6 Children develop a positive regard for the naturall environment around them

C-6.1 Shows care for and joy in engaging with all life forms



2.4.3 Domain: Cognitive Development

CG-7 Children make sense of world around through observation and logical thinking

C-7.1 0 Observes and understands different categories of objects and relationships between them

C-7.2 Observes and understands cause and effect relationships in nature by forming simple hypothesis and uses

observations to explain their hypothesis

C-7.3 Uses appropriate tools and technology in daily life situations and for learning

CG-8 Children develop mathematical understanding and abilities to recognize the world through quantities, shapes, and measures

C-8.1 Sorts objects into groups and sub-groups based on more than one property

C-8.2 Identifies and extends simple patterns in their surroundings, shapes, and numbers

C-8.3 Counts up to 99 both forwards and backwards and in groups of 10s and 20s

C-8.4 Arranges numbers up to 99 in ascending and descending order

C-8.5 Recognises and uses numerals to represent quantities up to 99 with the understanding of decimal place value system

C-8.6 Performs addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers fluently using flexible strategies of composition and decomposition

C-8.7 Recognises multiplication as repeated addition and division as equal sharing

C-8.8 Recognises basic geometric shapes and their observable properties

C-8.9 Performs simple measurements of length, weight and volume of objects in their immediate environment

C-8.10 Performs simple measurements of time in minutes, hours, day, week and months

C-8.11 Performs simple transactions using money up to INR 100

C-8.12 Develops adequate and appropriate vocabulary for comprehending and expressing concepts and procedures related to quantities, shapes, space, and measurements

C-8.13 Formulates and solves simple mathematical problems related to quantities, shapes, space, and measurements



2.4.4 Domain: Language and Literacy Development

CG-9 Children develop effective communication skills for day-to-day interactions in two languages 1

C-9.1 Listens to and appreciates simple songs, rhymes, and poems

C-9.2 Creates simple songs and poems on their own

C-9.3 Converses fluently and can hold a meaningful conversation

C-9.4 Understands oral instructions for a complex task and gives clear oral instructions for the same to others

C-9.5 Comprehends narrated/read-out stories and identifies characters, storyline and what the author wants to say

C-9.6 Narrates short stories with clear plot and characters

C-9.7 Knows and uses enough words to carry out day-to-day interactions effectively and can guess meaning of

new words by using existing vocabulary

CG-10 Children develop fluency in reading and writing in Language 1 (L1)?

C-10.1 Develops phonological awareness and blends phonemes/ syllables into words and segment words into phonemes/ syllables

C-10.2 Understands basic structure/format of a book, idea of words in print and direction in which they are printed, and recognises basic punctuation marks

C-10.3 Recognises all the letters of the alphabet (forms of akshara) of the script and uses this knowledge to read and write words

C-10.4 Reads stories and passages with accuracy and fluency with appropriate pauses and voice modulation

C-10.5 Reads short stories and comprehends its meaning - by identifying characters, storyline and what the author wanted to say - on their own

C-10.6 Reads short poems and begins to appreciate the poem for its choice of words and imagination

C-10.7 Reads and comprehends meaning of short news items, instructions and recipes, and publicity material

C-10.8 Writes a paragraph to express their understanding and experiences

C-10.9 Shows interest in picking up and reading a variety of children's books

CG-11 Children begin to read and write in Language 2 (L2)

C-11.1 Develops phonological awareness and are able to blend phonemes/syllables into words and segment words into phonemes/syllables

C-11.2 Recognises most frequently occurring letters of the alphabet (forms of akshara) of the script and uses this knowledge to read and write simple words and sentences



2.4.5 Domain: Aesthetic and Cultural Development

CG-12 Children develop abilities and sensibilities in visual and performing arts and express their emotions through art in meaningful and joyful ways

C-12.1 Explores and plays with a variety of materials and tools to create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks in varying sizes

C-12.2 Explores and plays with own voice, body, spaces, and a variety of objects to create music, role-play, dance and movement.

C-12.3 Innovates and works imaginatively to express a range of ideas and emotions through the arts

C-12.4 Works collaboratively in the arts

C-12.5 Communicates and appreciates a variety of responses while creating and experiencing different forms of art, local culture, and heritage Positive Learning Habits

CG-13 Children develop habits of learning that allow them to engage actively in formal learning environments like a school classroom.


C-13.1 Attention and intentional action: Acquires skills to plan, focus attention, and direct activities to achieve specific goals

C-13.2 Memory and mental flexibility: Develops adequate working memory, mental flexibility (to sustain or shift attention appropriately), and self-control (to resist impulsive actions or responses) that would assist them in learning in structured environments

C-13.3 Observation, wonder, curiosity, and exploration: Observes minute details of objects, wonders, and explores using various senses, tinkers with objects, asks questions

C-13.4 Classroom norms: Adopts and follows norms with agency and understanding